Destin Seashell art

Let your Creativity Fly with Sea Shells

Let your creativity fly this year in Destin!

The boundaries of your imagination are limitless and when it comes to ideas of how to use those shells you found at the beach there are some really creative ideas!  

With a collection of beautiful seashells you can make really pretty and interesting centerpieces.  Imagine a beach wedding table decorated with a huge glass bowl with a layer of sand on the bottom, covered with an arrangement of seashells, flowers, star fish, and other items found on the beach, for a very tropical flair using inexpensive natural components.

You can brighten up a picture frame by gluing seashells around the edges attractively. These make great keepsakes for your vacation pictures.  For memorabilia for weddings, etc.

Seashells are also lovely displayed in various sizes of glass containers with a candle, ribbon, or other flare!

Some use large seashells for ash trays.  You can use them as attractive bookends using the larger conch shells.

Again, the ideas are unlimited.  Use your imagination.  Get up early a couple of mornings while you are here at The Sea Oats Motel and go on a seashell hunting adventure.  The early morning hours seem to be the best time to really find the prettiest shells.

There are even lamps made using seashells in the lamp base.  Look online for instructions how to make the more complicated pieces.

The Sea Oats Motel is the last of its kind beachfront motel.  We are just steps from the most gorgeous beaches in the world.

You need to make a visit to Destin and The Sea Oats Motel.  Find out why our guests come back year after year.

photo credit: She sells sea shell by the sea-shore via photopin (license)