Destin Sunset

Don’t Burn!

The sun is usually out and shining here in Destin!

Sea Oats is more than happy to share some of it with you and your family! Open up the blinds and windows! Let the sunshine and the awesome sea breeze in!

The sun is actually good for you but like with all things it can be harmful in excess.

That’s why you need to make sure to protect yourself to avoid premature aging or worse, cancer.

We’ve heard some people say that sunscreen is bad for you because of the chemicals but a lot of us would still rather to protect ourselves from dangers that have been proven to exist and the pain that comes fromĀ them. With that said, make sure if you are going to use sunscreen to use one that has an SPF appropriate for your skin type.

Also make sure that you keep your skin moisturized and to drink plenty of water to help your body recover from the dehydrating effects of the sun. It also helps to be mindful of the peak hours of the day where the sun is the hottest which is usually between 11-4 so during these times it’s wise to have the protection of an umbrella and/or a hat to keep the sun directly out of your eyes.

If you’re fair skinned and still are determined to get that bronzed look then remember that there are products out there that will help you achieve your goal while still keeping you protected.

The UV rays of the sun are something you should be mindful of all year so if you notice in changes in your skin such as moles, lesions, red and scaly patches then you should consult a dermatologist. These symptoms can be the beginning of skin cancers and need to be removed.

Whenever you go out just make sure you use the sun wisely! ContactĀ Sea Oats today for any information you may need on rates and availability by callingĀ 850-837-6655.