Your Best Father’s Day Ever in Destin
Here’s to You in Destin, Dad!
Father’s Day! Once a year we have the chance to appreciate our Fathers, our Dads.
What can you do to make this day even more special for your Father? If you are here in Destin at The Sea Oats Motel we have a few suggestions!
The ultimate ice cream sundae!!! Take dad out to one of our local ice cream spots and ask for a huge ice cream sundae. Top with hot fudge, caramel, nuts and whipped cream!!! Yum!! Your dad will love it!
Take him out to a ball game…buy him some peanuts and cracker jacks!!
Share a fresh fish dinner at one of our local fave restaurants!! Blackened Grouper, Red Snapper, Amberjack….YUM. Watch your dad enjoy this awesome local fave!
Grill the ultimate burger! Top it with bacon, cheese and all the fixins. There’s not much better than a fresh grilled burger. Serve it up with an ice cold beer!! Dad will love it.
Dad Will Appreciate Anything That Shows You Care
Show Dad a great time at the Air Force Museum and afterwards grab a lunch at one of the local faves. Share some stories about the planes and enjoy some tasty treats afterwards.
Take dad to Big Kahunas and drench him on the slides! Celebrate Father’s Day by swimming and splashing in Big Kahuna’s awesome water park!
Last but not least spend time with your dad on the beach! Have a picnic, go for a walk, splash in the waves, rent a jet ski…..throw down a good time!!!!
Once again, Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there from The Sea Oats Motel. Call us today for more information at 850-837-6655.
photo credit: jeanphony via photopin cc
FB photo credit: 3eyedmonsta via photopin cc